Download Scripts and Data
01_splice_filtered_proteomes.tar.gz (269 MB)
Compressed directory of fasta-formatted, splice filtered proteome files from all 49 species used in the OrthoFinder2 analysis detailed in the genome paper.
02_repeat_masker_output.tar.gz (5.3 GB)
Compressed directory of output files from RepeatMasker analysis for Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and Hydractinia echinata. Detailed information about the analysis is included in the Supplement of the genome paper. The ‘RM_de_novo’ folder contains output from the original de_novo RepeatMasker analysis while the ‘RM_de_novo_rerun’ contains output from a rerun of the analysis that included the -a option, which generates alignment files.
03_ncRNA_output.tar.gz (1.8 MB)
Compressed directory of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) annotations from Rfam, Infernal and tRNAscan-SE based analysis, including four GFF files for each species of
Hydractinia. Includes data on tandem array membership, HydSINE1 overlap and pseudogene information for tRNAs, and the final set of Rfam predictions. Detailed information is included in the markdown file
04_hydractinia_symbiolongicarpus_sc.tar.gz (3.9 GB)
Compressed directory of scripts and data files associated with the generation of the
Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus single-cell RNA-seq atlas mapped to the
H. symbiolongicarpus genome assembly. Detailed file descriptions, along with a step-by-step description of the analysis, can be found in the markdown file
05_Hech_Dovetail.tar.gz (76 GB)
Compressed directory of files from the Dovetail scaffolding process for H. echinata, including: FASTQ files of the raw reads from the two Chicago libraries generated by Dovetail; BAM alignment files for each library mapped to the input assembly; a FASTA file containing the final, gapclosed Hirise scaffolds; a tab-delimited table describing positions of breaks made in the input assembly scaffolds; and a tab-delimited table describing positions of input assembly scaffolds in the Hirise scaffolds. A manifest is included which gives additional information on these files.
06_Hsym_Dovetail.tar.gz (32 GB)
Compressed directory of files from the Dovetail scaffolding process for H. symbiolongicarpus, including: a FASTQ file of the raw reads from the one Chicago library generated by Dovetail; a BAM alignment file for the library mapped to the input assembly, a FASTA file containing the final, gapclosed Hirise scaffolds; a tab-delimited table describing positions of breaks made in the input assembly scaffolds; and a tab-delimited table describing positions of input assembly scaffolds in the Hirise scaffolds. A manifest is included which gives additional information on these files.